Native Tuesday (3): A Goo of Deliciousness

Hello Native Tuesday! Be ready for another round of local foods found here in the Philippines.

This pile of goo is called Calamay. A local dessert found in the Philippines. Some are packed inside a coconut shell but others took a more modern spin to this dessert and packed it using ordinary transparent container. I really don't know what's in it or how it is made, all I know is how delicious this Calamay is.

Don't let the looks fool you that's just my still improving photography skills. LOL. 

Calamay is sticky and creamy with a burst of flavor. It has a soft texture that feels good inside the mouth. The taste is sweet but not the chocolate type of sweetness nor the cake type of sweetness. Just a moderate level of sweetness that tingles the tongue.  This is a nice way to end a meal. 
